Redwood Valley Community Action Plan (CAP) and Design Review 2024
Click Here to view the CAP Redwood Valley Community Action Plan
Click Here to view DESIGN GUIDELINES Part II Design Guidelines
An effort to develop the Redwood Valley Community Action Plan was completed in 2004 with the participation of over 100 residents of Redwood Valley, but never approved by the Board of Supervisors. It was developed under a grant approved by the County Board of Supervisors, and contains a number of goals that were important to the community participants. Some of the goals have been accomplished (a Farmer's Market) and others weren't. But in the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, things move pretty fast around here--and the Plan needs to be updated. For example, the proposed and unpopular siting of a Dollar General in the heart of our little commercial area in no way fits the community character, and may pose threats to both the physical environment and our way of life. The 2004 Plan failed to be incorporated into the County General Plan. The County enacted a temporary moratorium on such "formula stores" from being built outside of greater Ukiah--but what about after the moratorium? Will the County's new ordinance be strong enough to prevent similar stores from being built? And does our vision of Redwood Valley's future include ANY such stores? We need to finalize the updated plan to reflect our current vision, and then push for county policies that SUPPORT our vision rather than to detract from it.
After multiple community meetings 2017-2019 and MAC subcommittee work for 4 years after, the Community Action Plan and Design Guidelines were approved by Board of Supervisors 2-6-24, with direction to Planning and Building Services to notify Agencies and Tribes in July 2024. It is a step in the approval process toward it becoming a General Plan amendment.
August 18, 2022
Redwood Valley Community Action Plan