The Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council generally meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month, at the Redwood Valley Grange at 5:30pm beginning 5-10-23. All meetings are public and community members are encouraged to attend. We do occasionally host special meetings and sometimes skip a monthly meeting. Our next meeting time is listed on the homepage.
NOTE: NEXT REGULAR meeting is Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 5:30 pm. It will be held IN PERSON at the RV Grange AND via ZOOM. See the HOME page to see how to get on the agenda mailing list. MAC MEETINGS ARE ON THE SECOND WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTICED (FOR SPECIAL MEETINGS OR CANCELLED DUE TO SUMMER/HOLIDAY RECESS, OR EMERGENCY).
The Redwood Valley Grange is located at 8650 East Rd., Redwood Valley. To get on AGENDA mailing list, email your info to .
We held several Redwood Valley Community Meetings at the Grange to define the character of Redwood Valley and to imagine the best future for our town. We have held 4 meetings so far: June 14, 2017; May 2018; May 14, 2019; and Dec 4, 2019. (Report of May 14 meeting is posted on the Home page.) The draft RV Community Action Plan and Design Guidelines were submitted to the Planning and Building Services Department in August, 2020. They are currently under review by County Counsel (11/24).
Click below to view or download meeting-related documents; See also the Resources tab for more materials to download.
**Starting August 2018, all RVMAC meeting agendas and minutes can now be found on the Brown Act Meeting website. Visit
Past Meetings:
8/8/18 Agenda/ Minutes
10/24/17 Community Meeting Agenda
6/14/17 Special Plan Meeting Agenda
10/4/2016 Minutes