Mendocino County Fire Safe Council

The Mendocino County Fire Safe Council is a coalition of individuals, businesses,and public and private agencies who share the goal of preventing loss of life, destruction of property, and damage to the environment caused by wildfire. Currently, Redwood Valley does not have its own Fire Safe Council. The RV MAC will be looking into joining forces with the MCFSC (see below) in the near future to begin developing projects for local volunteers around the goal of improving the fire safety of Redwood Valley and its environs. Feel free to contact the MCFSC independently, and to share your information with the RV MAC so that we can advance fire safety on all fronts in our community.

The fire problem in California has been researched for many years and numerous books have been published and websites developed so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Want to do your part to make our County safer? Get this book and apply its principles to your own property: "FIRESCAPING: Creating Fire-resistant Landscapes, Gardens, and Properties in California's Diverse Environments" by Douglas Kent (Wilderness Press, 2005). Use this book to defend your home and property against fire, while maintaining beauty in your garden. For more detailed steps to help "harden" your location against fire, many online sites are available, such as:

and review the Fuel Modification and other handbooks. {If above link doesn't work, copy it down and go to the website outside this webpage--we are volunteers and some of us are all thumbs when it comes to website technicalities!-cb]


Welcome to the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council (MCFSC). Our mission is to help the citizens of Mendocino County survive and thrive in a fire-prone environment.

Look through our resources—you’ll find lots of information about preparing defensible space around your homehardening your home to resist fire, and to help you and your neighbors develop a neighborhood Fire Safe Council.

Since 2004, your Fire Safe Council has been working helping people, property, and resources survive and thrive in a fire-prone wild land environment.

We aren’t funded for a chipping program this year, but contact us for assistance and information to help you and your prepare for fire.

The Mendocino County Fire Safe Council encourages all interested persons to become Members (dues are $30/year or $50 for two years) and to participate in its work! Join HERE