Our Mission: To work with Redwood Valley residents and other stakeholders to enhance, maintain, and protect the rural character of our community.

Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council (RVMAC), established in May, 2016 by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors.  MAC members are volunteers and receive no salary or other compensation. Membership applications are available in a link on this website ("About RV MAC").

Join us! Next RV MAC Meeting is Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 5:30 to 7pm. We have invited CalTrans as our Guest Speaker to discuss the bus stop construction on N State and West Rd. RV MAC meetings are in person at the RV Grange, and on Zoom, the 2nd WEDNESDAY of each month.

*TO GET ON OUR EMAIL LIST, SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO: wickboyd@comcast.net and you will get a monthly email with the Agenda and Zoom address. To read prior agendas and minutes, go to Meetings tab and follow the links to the Brownactmeeting.com website. TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE RV MAC apply with the Mendocino County Clerk of the Board at https://mendocino.legistar.com/Page.aspx?M=W

September 2024 We discussed the new bus stop construction on N State and West Roads, had a presentation from the County Ag Commissioner, and learned that cannabis grows will remain at 10,000 square feet.

August 2024 included speaker Sheilah Rogers from United Disaster Relief of Northern California to let us know about their coming move (Dec 2024) to Babcock Lane, the many services they provide, and their hope for donations and volunteers. We learned that installing new local sirens await PG&E permission to use their pole; that Supervisor McGourty is working on a Noise Ordinance to be discussed at Sept 24 BOS meeting; updates from Sheriff Kendall and also the Fire District; Farmer’s Market issues; the progress in starting the Redwood Valley Rec Center; and proposed changes in the Cannabis Ordinance to double grows, to be discussed at BOS meeting Sept 10. The MAC sadly lost Member Adam Gaska, who will devote his time to water agencies and higher education.

June 12, 2024. Guest speaker Eva King from Fire Safe Council gave information about free wood chipiing days and micro grants. Sheriff Kendall and Supervisor McGourty gave updates, and Ellen Drell from Willits presented a request to support a maximum of 10,000 squre feet of cannabis per parcel, rather than the 22,000 square feet proposed.

May 8, 2024. Ms. Tecchio explained what the Fire Safe Council does, the MAC sent a request to gov’t officials to be more proactive in educating consumers about dragging chains sparking fires, Sheriff Kendall gave updates, we learned the Faizon gas station permit decision was postponed, and community interest in planning for the future of the Redwood Valley School site is increasing.

April 10, 2024. Guest speaker John King gave a presentation on the Inland Humane Society, letting folks know they can adopt and foster pets, sponsor pet expenses, or become a member. The big issue was the proposed Faizon gas station permit, which a majority of residents do not want or need. Guests Tom Allman and Ted Williams were present with perspectives. Community planning for the Redwood Valley School site is going forward with hopeful buy-in from the City of Ukiah, The UUSD and the ARC to utilize the property as a community resource. Special thanks to Marybeth Kelly for her lead work on this!

On March 13 our quest speaker was CHP Captain Adam Garcia to discuss issues of speeding. Talks led by Marybeth Kelly to develop a plan for the Redwood Valley School site continue. We learned the 10-pump gas station permit decision will come before the BOS on 3-26-24.

February 14, 2024, topics included a proposed 10-pump gas station off Highway 101 that would encroach on a neighbor’s right of way and enable a serial haz mat and business practices violator to operate a new station; and information about Blue Zones (https://mec.luezonesproject.com/home) for encouraging healthful habits to increase longevity; MAC members’ attendance at a Board of Supervisors meeting to promote the County’s long-awaited adoption of the Community Action Plan; the MAC’s letter to Assemblyman Jim Wood to oppose rate increases by PGE; and upcoming hearings about the County’s groundwater monitoring program. Also: Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser MARCH 17 at Grange (Sponsored by MAC, Grange, Fire Department, and Humane Society). COME ONE COME ALL! Tickets ($12/$6 for kids) available at door or at www.mendohumanesociety.com/events.

On November 8, 2023, the MAC learned from Robert King of CalTrans that the Hwy 20 bridge replacement construction should be completed June 2024. CHP Sargent Adam Garcia stated they are posting mobile radar trailers on East and West Roads to slow speeders. Reena Birch From, from Form Energy, discussed a proposed battery bank on East Road at the PG&E site, a pilot project of batteries containing air, water, and iron to store electricity using “rust reversal.” The MAC and citizens discussed the proposed 10-pump gas station on N. State St, and the MAC voted unanimously to send a letter opposing it for multiple reasons, with a decision to be made by the Planning Commission on 12-7-23.

On October 11, 2023, the MAC discussed the problems around the closure of the Hwy 20 on/off ramp into Redwood Valley. The Council voted to send a letter to CalTrans, which can be viewed under this date’s Agenda. We discussed cannabis and water issues, and heard from citizens who wish to beautify the roadways at the entrance to Redwood Valley.

On September 26, 2023, the Board of Supervisors (BOS) postponed a vote to adopt the Redwood Valley Community Action Plan and Design Guidelines. PBS Director Julia Krog will work with the MAC in early 2024 to find less restrictive language to commercial, industrial, and multi-family development and bring it back to the BOS.

On September 13, 2023, Cathy Monroe talked about Climate Action issues. Supervisor McGourty stated that Code Enforcement inspected 50 sites in Redwood Valley and a large percentage had issues. Member Adam Gaska stated that around 20 sites were penalized with a $1500 bill each to demolish unpermitted hoop houses.

On August 29, 2023, the BOS discussed a dissolution of County MACs, due to costs to County Counsel and PBS. They voted to keep the MACs.

8-9-23 A topic of the RV MAC was the code enforcement that has stepped up in Redwood Valley. This was a result of our Supervisors’ good intentions to alleviate the illegal cannabis grows that may cause complaints. The MAC welcomed new Member Kahli Johnson. No meeting was held in July.

6-14-23 The RV MAC meeting drew 33 people, and discussed the Cannabis Exclusion Zone which was petitioned by over 200 residents in Redwood Valley. Supervisors did not pass the exclusion zone at their July 25, 2023 meeting. Zach Carson of Revival Ranch spoke about event planning at Flocana site. Supervisor spoke about supplemental tax bills going out, billing retroactively for funds that should have been collected by the tax assessor. Sheriff Kendall noted that 12,000 illegal pot plants had been seized locally.

5-10-23 Meeting included Sonoma Clean Power Felicia Smith, who stated they use 17% solar and 83% geothermal power sources. She informed us that power costs 39 cents per kwh between 4-9 pm, but only 28 cents per kwh all other times. She encouraged folks to learn about the “Grid Savvy” and “Evergreen” programs.

4-12-23 Great Redwood Trail presentation by Project Manager Louisa Morris: The trail will be 316 miles from San Francisco to Humboldt Bay. Railroad tracks will be “railbanked,” or repurposed, and preserved with a trail alongside. A master plan is being developed for the trail that will restore creeks, preserve large trees, have markers to assist in emergency, and be used as a firebreak. Routine maintenance will be provided. Benches and lighting and opportunities for biking are in the plan. The plan will address homeless campers, and vegetation management will not include toxins. Federal, State and local partners are being developed.

On 3-8-23, Supervisor Glenn McGourty discussed WATER, GRANT FUNDING, & SIRENS. Mendocino Water Resource Team technical Advisory Committee has been formed and met. State Water Resources Agency Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) grant program will likely be the source of funding. Director Dashiell has been very involved in this contract of $270 K that the BOS approved. The Upper Russian River Water Agency and the City of Ukiah are working towards a legal agreement. They are applying to the SAFER program, of up to $40 million. A public meeting was held on 1-14-23 at the Redwood Valley/Calpella Fire Station to introduce the warning siren to the community. They are working on placement of up to 4 sirens to alert Redwood Valley in the event of an emergency.

2024: The RVMAC’s Redwood Valley Community Action Plan (CAP) and Design Guidelines, Nov. 2023 update, was approved by the BOS on 2-6-24, with instructions to Director Julia Krog at Planning and Building Services (PBS) to begin to notify Agencies and Tribes July 2024.

On 7-8-24, Chair Riley and Vice Chair Reynolds met with Director Krog and PBS Officer Russel Ford, with the next step of Mr Ford contacting agencies and keeping Chair Riley updated monthly as to progress. Following this, the CAP and Design Guidelines will become part of the County General Plan. The 2024 CAP and Design Guidelines are found on the Resources button (top of this page).

RVMAC adopted draft BYLAWS on October 12, 2022, To view Bylaws go to Resources at top and scroll to Bylaws.

PG&E Tree Cutting Update October 12, 2022. At the 10-12-22 RVMAC meeting, Guest Speaker Jeanne Chinn of the Sierra Club’s Utility Wildfire Working Group spoke about actions citizens can take regarding PG&E’s Enhanced Vegetation, removing trees that may touch transmission wires. PG&E subcontractors are cutting trees on private property much further from their power lines, at lengths to about 5 feet, so PG&E avoids having to file a timber harvest plan with CalFire. They leave large logs and the slash left behind is a fire hazard. PG&E’s antiquated power lines are a problem. Southern California Edison has upgraded 5,000 miles of power lines to steel-reinforced, triple-insulated power lines and new enhanced circuit breakers, which are less likely to spark a fire, and can indicate location of the problem. Seven counties and three cities have filed lawsuits against PG&E for its wasteful, ugly, and dangerous tree-trimming technique. The website endpowerlinefires.com provides signs for homeowners.

Update regarding the closed REDWOOD VALLEY SCHOOL. Ukiah Unified offered the property for educational or recreational purposes for a period, then out to bid thereafter. From Ukiah Unified School District: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 13, 2022. Contact: Debra Kubin, Superintendent(707) 472-5002 | dkubin@uusd.net Ukiah Unified Trustees adopt a resolution declaring former Redwood Valley Elementary School as exempt surplus land. Ukiah, CA – At its regular Board Meeting on October 13, 2022, Ukiah Unified Trustees adopted Resolution 6, 2022-23, declaring the Redwood Valley School property as exempt surplus land and will take the steps necessary or appropriate to effect the sale or lease of the property in accordance with applicable laws and education code. On 7-18-24 a community group which had been meeting, formally requested the UUSD board to obtain a State waiver so they may lease the school property for the Redwood Valley Recreation Center.

ISSUES (July 15, 2021 Update): 1) PGE Funds/Compensation for 2017 Fire— Board of Supervisors discussed allocations for these funds. Supervisor McGourty continues to push for funds for Redwood and Potter Valleys, focusing on emergency preparedness and response (siren system completion, fire engines, station improvements, etc.) and funding for RV Water District to join up with the Russian River Flood Control District for improved access to water. 2) Cannabis—HUGE public interest in future of cannabis ordinance, 2 referenda, illegal grows and hoop houses. Dozens attended (via ZOOM) the July 14 MAC meeting to hear Ellen Drell, Charles Sargenti, and Glenn McGourty as MAC members Sattie Clark and Pien Ris-Yarborough conducted a lengthy discussion with Q&A. 3) BROILER FIRE—3 residences and 6 outbuildings lost in 80 acre fire; no injuries. 4) County Permits—Marybeth Kelly, of the MAC Development Review sub-committee, provides the following link for residents to look at upcoming permit applications in our area: https://www.mendocinocounty.org/government/planning-building-services/public-agency-referrals <—Copy and paste this link.

ISSUES (January 25,2021 Update): 1) County priorities for spending $22 million in funds from PG&E related to PGE-caused fires in Mendocino County. Supervisors Glenn McGourty and Maureen Mulherin are tasked with gathering community priorities—make your opinions known. 2) Cannabis proliferation and updating of the County regulations are causes for concern. 2) Air quality issues have been identified by community members, relating to the pellet plant in Calpella as well as legal burning in winter. 3) In November, the Fire Dept. conducted a test of the first emergency siren for the community. The Department is working to install that siren and procure 4-5 more. 5) Water—The Redwood Valley County Water District and other local water agencies remind all domestic and agricultural water users that severe water shortages are expected. See website: willowcountywaterdistrict.org for more information!

IF YOU HAVE RELATIVES OR ANCESTORS WHO MAY BE INTERRED IN THE REDWOOD VALLEY CEMETERY: Due to a property boundary dispute and lawsuit, some of the deceased may need to be re-buried elsewhere. To ensure the lawsuit is not decided without input from next of kin, attorneys for the Cemetery District request that anyone who may have an interest should contact Mr. Mark Velasquez, using website RVCLawsuit@bbklaw.com; or call 310-686-6286.

Mar. 2024- ONE OPENING on the MAC (Alternate member) available to Redwood Valley registered residents/voters. RVMAC Members believe that it’s important for leadership on the RVMAC to be shared. As vacancies open up on the MAC, and terms expire, please attend if you wish to become a Member! Application information at https://mendocino.granicus.com/boards/forms/69/apply/1320305?code=0fc7ffd1-cf8c-4901-b731-0035696caae3&reapply=true Redwood Valley needs YOU!!!

ALERT On October 14, 2020: Covid continued to spread throughout Mendocino County. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization, and UC San Francisco recommended that EVERYONE wear masks/face coverings when in public or in contact with anyone outside your immediate “bubble” (people you live with). A study across 198 countries found that those with cultural norms or government policies favoring mask-wearing had lower death rates.” It is everyone’s responsibility to help prevent the spread for ourselves, our friends and family!

MAC OFFICERS ELECTED The RVMAC has re-elected officers, effective 1-10-2024! Dolly Riley was elected chair, Jini Reynolds is Vice-Chair, and Pien His-Yarbrough as Treasurer.

Please attend our monthly RVMAC meetings at the Redwood Valley Grange. To get on our Agenda mailing list, email wickboyd@comcast.net

Generally, meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 5:30-7:00 pm, with occasional months taken off.

Find Agendas and Minutes using below tab. Thanks!

Redwood Valley Grange, 8650 East Rd., Redwood Valley

Remember: be firesafe. Prune foliage away from your house, limb up trees to 15 feet, have GO BAGS ready with your essential items. WATCH FOR RED FLAG WARNINGS AND SIGN ON TO THE SHERIFF’S EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM! Have a safe summer!!!

2019 Mendocino Climate Action Advisory Council—Supervisor Carre Brown has appointed 2 of the 3 members from our district to be represented on the CAAC. One is Mac Lojowsky, who has been participating in the RV Plan CAP update process. He sadly lost his home in the 2017 fire, and is well along the way of constructing a new, fire resistive residence! It is our hope that Redwood Valley will have more of a voice in the critical climate matters being addressed in Mendocino County.

And about those storage units—Yes, many of us were surprised and not altogether happy about the huge development of storage units at the corner of School and State. The RVMAC, as we made clear at meetings during the period of construction, was particularly displeased that the first we heard about the project was AFTER the permit was approved by the County Planning and Building Dept. Why didn’t the RVMAC get prior notice that these plans were in process? The simple answer: because the County General Plan (approved in 2009) had ZONED that space for commercial development. Review the County website to see what Commercial entail: it includes storage units and MANY other uses that do NOT conform with how many of us see our little community. The General Plan’s wording was to “encourage” a mixed use development of some sort on that particular site, but “encourage” has no authority. If we in Redwood Valley want to LIMIT certain types of occupancies in our own community, we have a lot of continuing work to do. First and foremost: County Board of Supervisors final approval of the Redwood Valley CAP. So participate in the RVMAC; speak to the Board of Supervisors meetings in the Public Comment periods, and speak about particular planning issues; and keep watching what happens in our community. We can set goals as a community, but we must be vigilant.

Big News on Pedestrian Safety in RV

In 2019 the RVMAC was asked to provide input on road and pedestrian improvements that would be desirable for Redwood Valley. Several dozen of us submitted comments and “pins on a map” indicating parts of RV that are particularly hazardous for walkers, bikers, and riders. And guess what? The State has allocated funds to implement some of those project proposals to improve roadway safety! Take a look at the proposals at this website: https://mendopedestrian.org/ and see what is planned. Look under the Unincorporated part of the report and scroll down to the Calpella and Redwood Valley components.

On pp. 220-225 of the Unincorporated section of the document, improvements are identified for: 1) East Rd. and School Way pedestrians; 2) The Rail Trail; 3) East Road between H and G; 4) West Rd. near Eagle Peak School; and 5) Sidewalks on areas of Bel Arbes and West Rd. In our initial comments, we had identified other parts of the RV roads that could be improved for pedestrians, bikes, etc., but these are 5 of the most critical. We may get some needed sidewalks, railings, and other safety measures but as of 2023 there has been no action.

More on CAP history: Community Planning Meeting held May 14, 2019 at the RV Grange. Over 80 Redwood Valley residents attended and participated in a lively discussion about the current DRAFT Community Plan (download below) and new Draft Design Guidelines (ditto). The latter document, based on similar, successful design standards from Placer and Lake Counties, is brand new to Redwood Valley and caused some confusion and controversy, as people grappled with 20 pages of guidelines that may affect how Commercial- and Industrial-zoned parcels may be developed in the future.

The May 14 meeting was the third of three meetings so far that have been sponsored by the RV MAC to update our Community Plan; other meetings were held in 2017 and 2018. Look to this website and future MAC meetings for much more information about the Plan, Guidelines, and YOUR comments about them!

2019 Why a new Plan, and why add Design Guidelines? Let’s use a real world example of a recent development in Redwood Valley. You’ve probably seen the new storage facility complex at the corner of School Way and East Rd. Because that parcel is zoned for Industrial or Commercial use, and the buildings are in that category, the County was obligated to issue an administrative permit for the facilities, which required NO public input. Therefore, no one in Redwood Valley had the opportunity to influence the size, set-back distance from the roads, style of buildings, color, landscaping, etc. Ideally, some of us might have preferred a smaller footprint; wider road access; sidewalks; different facades and rooflines; requirements for solar energy; native landscaping materials; even a Mixed Use (as “suggested” for this parcel in the County General Plan)—perhaps the addition of a coffee house, bike lanes, fire department parking, or other amenities desirable for the community, could have been required. All this being said, the parcel owner is perfectly within his rights to have developed the property in the way it has been built, and many local residents may find the storage facility useful—especially as they rebuild lost housing. But what the Plan and Design Guidelines would ideally create is a situation where all the community STAKEHOLDERS—other businesses, Fire Department, local residents, bikers, equestrians, etc., would have been involved in a more collaborative effort to create occupancies that address different stakeholders’ needs, not just those of a parcel owner. That’s what we’re trying to create: a development plan for the community that embraces Redwood Valley’s history, community character, and our vision for a safe and sustainable future. We’d rather see something resembling a village center, rather than a prime lot solely dedicated to storage of “stuff.” It’s a lost opportunity. We hope that, in cooperation with the County, better planning will lead to a more beautiful, livable community.

HEY REDWOOD VALLEY RESIDENTS! While we have slots for 7 regular and 2 alternate positions, the Redwood Valley MAC is looking for VOLUNTEERS to serve with RVMAC members! We are frequently in need of folks who can provide assistance with note-taking, Zoom technical help, and web expertise for ongoing updates to this Squarespace website. Another ongoing need is someone who can do publicity, coordinating with local media sources (print, radio, blogs, etc.). Interested? Pleased drop in at one of our regular SECOND-WEDNESDAY-OF-THE-MONTH evening 5:30 pm meetings, or call Chris at 707-485-8699. We are all volunteers, so the more people volunteer, the more we can get done!


****Button below links to the maps showing the areas of Redwood Valley which will be getting the 6 inch water mains installed. These maps were shown at the October 11, 2018 Redwood Valley Water Meeting at Eagle Peak Middle School. Only lots where homes were affected by the fire will have their water mains updated. This is due to very high costs and immediate needs.****

REVITALIZING LOCAL FORESTS: Announcing the formation of F.R.O.G.— Discussed at Feb. 12 MAC meeting!

2018 The Forest Reciprocity Outreach Group, is a growing group of citizens in the Mendocino county region working to support the health and utilization of overstocked fire-hazard lands. Widespread agreement on management practices has coalesced in the wake of even-aged (“clear cut”) harvest and loss of ancient traditional low intensity fire management. Fuel loads have been steadily increasing for the last few decades as carpet regeneration has largely gone unchecked. Over competition for light, water, and nutrients has led to weakened forests, loss of diversity, and abundant dead wood. This has allowed wildfires to ascend into devastating crown fires that have decimated ecosystems and human settlements alike. We believe this burden can be our solution! As we improve natures health we will be reciprocated with abundance.

The suppressed growth of ailing Douglas Fir trees creates extremely strong, “tight ring”, small diameter poles that can be used as beautiful, sturdy, architectural elements. These poles exceed the tensile strength of sawn lumber with uncut continuous fibers running their entire length. Encased in natural fire-resistant clay-based wall mediums, these structures have proven to be exceptionally impervious to wildfires. This is a marked advance from expensive, often toxic, flammable dwellings. F.R.O.G.'s objectives are to reciprocate with nature and unburden forest lands of overcapacity, while creating beautiful, healthy, safe dwellings. And, to use poles for other useful structures and meaningful purposes. It is time for conscientious civilization to rise from the ashes!

The Forest Reciprocity Outreach Group has been initiated through a collaboration of members of Cloud Forest Institute (www.cloudforest.org), Polecraft Solutions (polecraftsolutions.com) and local citizens. Financial support has been granted through the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment, and the Just and Resilient Future Fund. With the formation of our advocacy co-op, we will schedule a series of presentations and events promoting practices of forest reciprocity, including demonstrations on assembling a round pole structure in both Laytonville and Ukiah.

For more information contact: Jen Burnstad, jen@cloudforest.org, 707-380-5059

From the RVMAC, Chris Boyd, in memorium of the 2017 Redwood Valley fire:

Hi everyone. Here are a couple of pictures of the memorial rock at Lion’s Park. If you haven’t visited, be sure to swing by. The ceremony on October 7th, 2018 was attended by many people, including families and friends of some of the victims, with thoughtful words provided by Andy Mattern, Bob Rogers, and Mindi Ramos (aunt to the Shepherd children); her poem was beautiful and she was very strong to be able to read it. Everyone had electric candles (thanks to Marybeth).  The lone egg carton visible in the daytime photo was left by Jessie, Cassie’s sister, to commemorate her encounter with “Charlie,” a friend who lost her life that night. Jessie had given Charlie a box of egg crates that week so that she could distribute some of her eggs.

Bob’s efforts with the Rotary Club were a big source of the energy behind this, with donations also from Valley Paving, the plaque creator (I’m sorry I don’t know the name of that business), and with a metal bench installed by the folks at Flow Kana. The ceremony was an apt focal point for this traumatic year. As I took this photo, another car drove up and a single person got out to stand by the rock. That shows what this will mean to the community: a place to remember, to meditate, and to think of how we can make a safer community. Best to all, Chris/Wick



  • West Company, now named the West Business Development Center, operating over the last 30 years in Mendocino County, works to help small businesses be successful. Federally funded by Small Business Administration (SBA), West Business Development Center (West BDC) offers business advice and counseling at no cost. If your business suffered a loss in the recent fire, contact the West BDC to see if they can assist you in getting back on your feet. New location in Ukiah: East Church and Main in Ukiah. Workshops for businesses post-fire are being planned (see information to the right of this paragraph). Upcoming: Landlord workshops for people who want to rent a room or structure on their property and manage it as a business.

West Business Development Center: contact Mary Anne Petrillo: maryanne@westcompany.org

Dollar General will not be built in Redwood Valley!


GREAT NEWS!!! The Chehada Brothers, owners of the Redwood Valley Market, announced today (March 5, 2018) that they have just closed escrow on the purchase of the lot that had been designated for the Dollar General store--so there WILL NOT BE A DOLLAR GENERAL BUILT ON THAT SITE! Perhaps the loss of so many homes in the October fires, and the continued protest by dozens of RV residents against an alcohol permit for the DG, became a factor in DG thinking, uh, maybe they aren't welcome in Redwood Valley?! In any case, this is good news for so many of us who dreaded the big yellow sign in our little community. We can thank Alex and Anthony Chehada for pursuing legal remedies against DG, and for investing in the future of our community by buying the lot. Since Mendocino County now has a "Formula Business Ordinance" (enacted by the Board of Supervisors last year), which places additional public review and other "speed bumps" into approval of chain businesses in the rural areas of the County (including RV), we will have much more input into any future proposals for a formula store or restaurant in RV. Continue to support our local businesses like the Redwood Valley Market, local farmers, vineyards, etc. Let's keep Redwood Valley strong and independent!

Past Events:

  • BIG NEWS AUGUST 1, 2017--Today, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors approved the Formula Business Ordinance creating a Community Character Combining District for Redwood Valley and most of the rural areas of the County. The import is that any "formula" (chain store/restaurant) business must go through a minor use permit process, thus requiring a public hearing/comment process for any approval by Planning Commission or Board. Conceptually, any future such store (example: a Dollar General, for instance) would have to go through a public process and the approval bodies would be EMPOWERED to turn down the permit, based on a community's input and other factors listed in the ordinance (it's on the Board website--factors are pretty broad). That means that Mendo County communities now have a new tool to compel their representatives to deny a formula business. Recall that the RV Dollar General received a "permit by right" with no conditions or public review process. It's a great step forward! To keep the RV MAC strong and representative of YOUR VIEWS, attend the monthly RV MAC meetings, and follow this space!

  • Ukiah Unified School District Public Meetings about the old Redwood Valley School on School Way--A meeting took place May 17, 2017 to discuss disposition of 2 abandoned schools (RV and Hopland). For further info, see notes at right and go to UUSD website, "7-11 Committee". As of March, 2018, the County is considering turning the RV School into about two dozen small housing units, to assist with post-fire recovery. Watch this space for further information.

    • MAC received approval of Community Foundation Grant to update RV Community Plan. The Community Action Plan for RV, which can be viewed in our Resources section, was written in 2004. It's outdated--doesn't reflect the community's objections to formula stores, nor language for how we view the future of our community. We held an initial meeting in June, 2017, facilitated by consultant and local resident, Cliff Paulin. Over 80 of you participated in brainstorming a VISION of RV's future. The project has been on hold since the fire, but look for news about our next community meeting in late May, 2018. Watch for how YOU can participate in creating a new VISION and PLAN for Redwood Valley